24/03/2020 Registers – Religion(Senior Class English Study by Topics) 24/03/2020 0Comments by Gate Academy Welcome to your Registers - Religion(Senior Class English Study by Topics) NAME EMAIL PHONE NUMBER 1. A person who renounces religious or political beliefs Apostate Apostolic Aborigin Abhor None 2. One who does not believe in the existence of God Atheist Anitheist Apostate Alibate None 3. The principal church in a diocese. Cathedral Church of Christ Congregation Confederation None 4. Religious vow or obligation to remain unmarried Celibacy Christainity Nunery Pastoral duties None 5. A small place where people gather for prayer. Cathedral Chapel Chaplain Chaly None 6. One who sings in the choir Artist Chorister Singist Song leader None 7. Place of worship for Christians Church House Catholic Creaw None 8. People ordained for the work of God. Godlies Clergy Men of God None 9. Set aside for religious purpose Divide Consecrate Set aside Monetize None 10. Religious group or sect (e.g. Catholic, Ahmadiyya) Denomination Groupies Lituation Manifestation None 11. The tenets of religious groups. Belief Doctrine Values Services None 12. One who foretells the future Future teller Divine Diviner Divination None 13. Made to believe detain religious doctrines Faith Beliver Baptize Indoctrinate None 14. Someone who is killed because of his religious beliefs persecutor prosecutor matyr killyr None 15. Someone sent to a foreign country to teach about Christianity Voyage Pilgrim Missionary Foreigner None 16. Place of worship for Muslims. Mosque Morgue Sactuary Worshep None 17. One who calls Muslims to prayer from the minaret of a mosque minareta muslima muezzin man of prayer None 18. The garments of choristers and parsons in the church is referred to as Robe Vest Vestry Vestment None 19. A letter from the Pope to all Roman Catholics is referred to as Vestment Encyclical Lectern Cassock None 20. A reading desk from which scriptures are read Cassock Robe Lectern Table None 21. A long loose gown worn by priests, canons or pastors Lectern Vestry Celebrant Cassock None 22. The priest officiating at the Holy Communion Archbishop Lectern Celebrant Diocese None 23. The residence of a priest, minister or vicar Rectory Vestory Chaplain Residence None 24. The money given by a congregation at a church service Offering Donations Monetary Substance None 25. A feast for remembering the rising (resurrection) of Jesus Christ the dead Last supper Easter Eid-el-filtri Christmas None 26. A feast for remembering the birth of Jesus Christ Christmas Easter New year Birthday None 27. A room in the church where vestments are kept Vestry Chaplain Offertory Verger None 28. One who looks after the inside of a church and performs simple duties during church service Verger Offertory Font Apostate None 29. The account of the life of Jesus written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the evangelists Pilgrimage King James Bible Gospel Apostate None 30. A vessel used for burning incense Sacrilege Censer Pew Pulpit None 31. One whose job is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ Voyage Diocese Missionary Apostate None 32. A college where candidates are trained for clergy work Seminary Mitre Requiem Secondary school None 33. .............. refers to speaking against God Blasphemy Hypocrisy Sacrilege Censory None 34. A ceremony which a man/woman becomes a pastor is called Ordination Laity Pastoral party Pastorage None 35. One who is in charge of a church building Apostate Pastor Laity Sexton None 36. The cup used in offering wine Mitre Pulpit Chalice Synod None 37. A council of clergymen is referred to as Synod Laity Congregation Chalice None 38. A district of which a bishop is in charge Diocese Chaplain Church Chapel None 39. Unordained members of the church are referred to as Synod Dean Mitre Laity None 40. The head of the Anglican church s referred to as Archdeacon Synod Archbishop of Canterbury Mitre None 41. The vessel or basin containing water for baptism Apostate Reqiem Font Dean None 42. A mass for the dead Laity Requiem Evening mass Font None 43. The stand from which a preacher delivers his sermon Pew Requiem Pulpit Censer None 44. A law that guides mankind to the attainment of Allah's pleasure Hijirah Shariah Salat Duuah None 45. A leader of the Muslims in congregational prayers Sultan Iman Imam Israil None 46. The cave where Prophet Muhammed prayed and meditated daily Hijirah Mecca Mikail Cave Hira None 47. Birth place of Prophet Muhammed in 571AD Mecca Israfil Arabia Mosque None 48. The country where Islam was founded Arabia Samaria Hijrah Injil None 49. The language of Arabia in which the sacred books of Islam are written Arabic Spanish English None 50. The muslim way of fasting Ramadan Sheikh Zakat ABu Bakr None 51. Voluntary giving of alms to the poor to help them Sadaquat Hajj Caliphs Jihad None 52. Belief in the reward for good deeds and punishment foe evil deeds Karma Hindi Tripitaka Yoga None 53. An Arab chief or leader is called............ Sheikh Imam Jihad Zakat None 54. Obligatory giving of alms to the poor to help them in Islam is called Sadaquat Jumat Zakat Rukayat None 55. The festival of the breaking of the fast is called Id-el-Fitri Id-el-Kabir Id-el-Wahur Id-el-Jihad None 56. Beliefs in rebirths after death is called Karma Reincarnation Sikhs Taoist None 57. Pilgrimage to Mecca; the holy land is called Hajj Jihad Caliphs Bakr None 58. Dry or sand ablution when water can not be found is called Tawakalit Tayammum Jihad Calpi None 59. A spiritual bath which Muslims have before every prayer is called Jihad Hajj Ablution Salat None 60. In Islam, belief in only one God is called Salat Iman Jihad Hajj None 1 out of 60 Time's upTime is Up!