24/03/2020 Question Tags(Senior Class English Study by Topics) 24/03/2020 0Comments by Gate Academy Welcome to your Question Tags(Senior Class English Study by Topics) NAME EMAIL PHONE NUMBER 1. Julia visited you yesterday, ………………..? does she she does didn't she she did None 2. Peter played handball yesterday, ……… do they they did did they didn't they None 3. California is a very beautiful city, ...............? It is Isn't it Is it Isn't there None 4. Tom should represent us, ……………..? shouldn't he couldn't he an't he isn't it None 5. They must go there today, ............? They must Must they Mustn't they They mustn't None 6. We often watch TV in the afternoon, …….. we didn't we don't don't they don't we None 7. She acts like she is possessed, ..........? Actn't she She does She acts Doesn't she None 8. Complete each of the following by adding the correct Question tag. They will be punished tomorrow,..........? will not they won't they they will not they won't None 9. I am the best there is, .................? Isn't it Amn't I I am Am I None 10. We couldn't make it there in good time, .......... ? We couldn't Couldn't we We could Could we None 11. choose the most appropriate question tags among the list of options below………….., will you? would you willn't you you won't you will None 12. Complete each of the following by adding the correct Question tag. Sheila doesn’t have the money yet, .........? doesn't she she does does she not does she None 13. You will sleep over tomorrow, .............? Won't you Will you Wouldn't you You will None 14. I am a very good person, ..................? Isn't it Amn't I It is Am I None 15. They are going home from school, ……… aren't they they are are they they did None 16. choose the option with the most appropriate question tag from the list of options below…………………, wouldn’t we? we will will we would we we would None 17. The mails were not delivered to us, ............? Were they Weren't they Isn't it They were None 18. You shouldn't jump into conclusion, .............? You shouldn't You should Shouldn't you Should you None 19. Olivia takes her time to do everything, ..........? Doesn't he Does she Doesn't she Does he None 20. Allie said she didn't see us, ............? Didn't she She didn't She did Did she None 21. This is the whole story, ............... Isn't it It is Is it It isn't None 22. You would love to go, .................? Won't you Wouldn't you Will you Willn't you None 23. My cousins came early yesterday, .......... ? can they did they didn't they do they None 24. Your new question! None 25. I would never have thought she stole it, ............? Wouldn't I I wouldn't I would Would I None 1 out of 25 Time's upTime is Up!