Like Henry Ward Beecher once said one’s best success comes after their biggest disappointment. In reaction to current circumstances and the global pandemic, GATE Academy has launched her Virtual online tutoring platform which means both Primary and Secondary School Students can further their learning in Mathematics, English, and Sciences at home. These platform will integrate both online tutoring and study…
In the wake of a novel pandemic brought about by the COVID-19 virus which has caused over 100,000 deaths all around the world and has recorded 382,000 plus cases worldwide the world has certainly been hit with an unexpected force, and we are currently relying on our health workers whom have shown courage in time of despair and have decided…
At GATE Academy we have lots of dedicated Physics tutors across Lagos & Abuja who love helping students achieve their best when exams come around. Since inception, we’ve given more than 100,000 hours one-to-one lessons. Over time we’ve been able to get a strong understanding of exactly the topics in each subject that kids tend to need that extra…