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Kingdom Plantae

    • Plants are multi-cellular organisms, with cell wall made of cellulose.
    • They include small organisms such as mosses, ferns, and flowering plants.
    • Some parts of plants are green because of chlorophyll.
    • Chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight for plants to make glucose, using CO2 and H2O from the environment – This process is called photosynthesis.
    • ————-
    • Phylum Anthopyhta – The Flowering Plants
      • They have roots, stems, and leaves.
      • They have xylem, and phloem.
      • They reproduce by producing seeds.
      • Their seeds are produced inside their ovary, inside their flower.
      • Asexual reproduction is possible.
      • They are divided into two groups, depending on the number of seed leaves they have:
        1. Monocotyledonous (Monocots)

          Examples of a Monocot Leaves (Photo Credit: Quora.com)

        2. Dicotyledonous (Dicots)

          An Example of a Dicot Leaf (Photo Credit: Flickr.com)

      • Differences between monocot and dicot leaves:

        Photo Credit: Holganix.com