Welcome to your Regular and Irregular Verbs(Study by Topics Junior Class) NAME EMAIL PHONE NUMBER 1. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbCatch irregular verb regular verb None 2. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbCut irregular verb regular verb None 3. Your new question!State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbSleep irregular verb regular verb None 4. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbFeed irregular verb regular verb None 5. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbFling irregular verb regular verb None 6. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbBecome irregular verb regular verb None 7. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbCook irregular verb regular verb None 8. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbContest irregular verb regular verb None 9. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbCaution regular verb irregular verb None 10. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbDecline irregular verb regular verb None 11. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbShoot irregular verb regular verb None 12. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbFlinch regular verb irregular verb None 13. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbDraw regular verb irregular verb None 14. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbStride regular verb irregular verb None 15. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbBlow regular verb irregular verb None 16. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbOvercome irregular verb regular verb None 17. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbCome irregular verb regular verb None 18. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbTeach regular verb irregular verb None 19. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbDecline regular verb irregular verb None 20. State whether the verb below is a regular or irregular verbSchedule regular verb Irregular verb None 1 out of 20 Time's upTime is Up!