Welcome to your Registers - The Press(Study by Topics Junior Class) NAME EMAIL PHONE NUMBER 1. All the means of mass communication: newspapers, radio, television. media device social media traditional devices None 2. A piece in a newspaper or magazine based on facts. column article colon Advert None 3. To transmit a program on television or radio forecast telecast broadcast prompt cast None 4. An item in a newspaper that is always written by the same person or is always on the same subject facts headline feature column None 5. An article written by the editor giving his or her opinion on an issue or event. editorial editor's column artifact feature None 6. Somebody employed by a news organization to provide reports from a particular place or on a specific subject. informant responder correspondent delivery personel None 7. An act of saying something false that damages reputation badmouthing malice slander murder by mouth None 8. A false and malicious published statement that damages somebody’s reputation. libel slander defame lies None 9. The first page of a newspaper, usually carrying the most important story of the day page one front page headline by line None 10. short description or title accompanying an illustration in a printed text. story caption headline lines None 11. A person who gathers and reports news for a news organization. reporter correspondent attorney lawyer None 12. A head of a news establishment who selects the news or articles that will be printed each day or one who determines which radio or television program to be broadcast newscaster editor news man respondent None 13. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 1 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time trader dealer vendor printer None 14. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 2 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time perused studied stared flipped None 15. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 3 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time attacked victory protection defence None 16. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 4 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time correspondent writer editor publisher None 17. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 5 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time predicted prophesied imagined expressed None 18. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 6 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time antagonist opponent protagonist attacker None 19. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 7 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time communique propaganda editorial resolution None 20. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 8 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time commercials announcements advertisements exhibits None 21. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 9 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time drawings cartoon sketch caricature None 22. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 10 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time amuse abuse annoy stimulate None 23. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 11 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time in memorial requiem obituary funeral None 24. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 12 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time caption commentary edition feature None 25. Fill in the most appropriate option for the space labelled 13 belowAs soon as I took the newspaper from the .....1.........., I quickly ...........2............ through the pages, and stopped at the sports page. There, the picture of Marvin Hagler, the boxer, attracted me. He was preparing for the ......3........... of his title. The ......4......... harped on Hagler's previous fights and .........5.......... an easy victory over his ......6........... I then read through the ........7.......... which usually states the paper's opinion on current issues. The ....8...... were very many. with some of them taking up full pages. There was only one .....9........ by an artist whose intention was to clearly ......10..... readers. There was also a full page ........11.......... announcing the death of a prominent chief. In the column for serious minded readers was a ........12......... on political transition, one of the .......13........... issues of the time contemporary controversial competitive debatable None 26. .......... is the art for earning one's living through writing for the print and electronic media journalism printing editing mass communication None 27. Apart from gathering, writing and editing news, journalists also inform people about ............ parties tourist centers gossips newsworthy events and local or international happenings None 28. ......... is an example of an electronic media newspaper magazine feature articles radio None 29. Which of these is not a field of journalism? newspapers magazine columns telivision None 30. The branch of journalism that embraces newspaper, magazines and journals is called print journalism radio public relations advertising None 31. ............ is also referred to as a gate keeper editor footballer artiste actor None 32. Copies of newspapers and magazines are sold through news agents called vendors reporters editors writers None 33. ........... are published topical issues that educate and influence public opinion commentaries editions editorials by-lines None 34. .......... refers to the time limit for a certain stage in preparing materials for a particular edition by line deadline spill over rob ins None 35. The title or explanation accompanying a picture is called .......... caption sketch by line run over None 36. ........... refers to stories obtained and published by a newspaper house without the acknowledgment of its competitors scoop editorial masthead caption None 37. Each day or week's issue of a newspaper is called editor edition editorial edits None 38. The ...... supervises editorial staff and establish day to day policies correspondent reporter journalist editor None 39. A newspaper or magazine that sells many copies is said to have large .......... reach frequency circulation spread None 40. In a newspaper, ............ always include the title by line spill over roll over mast head None 41. The ............. is responsible for revising and proof reading submitted materials by writers before publication editor correspondent reporter journalist None 42. ............ refers to electronic or wireless journalism media mass communication broadcast journalism media journalism None 43. Copies of previous issues are called ............. by line scoop back numbers spill overs None 44. Newspapers are usually published ............... daily or weekly hourly monthly or quarterly yearly or bianually None 45. The part of a story or article published that usually has the name of the writer is called head line byline mast head caption None 1 out of 45 Time's upTime is Up!