Welcome to your Registers - Law and Agriculture (Senior Class English Study by Topic) NAME EMAIL PHONE NUMBER 1. A formal examination of a case in a court of law is called Trial Jury Lodge Examination None 2. ........... is the formal decision or finding of a judge or jury verdict settlement trial subpoena None 3. Without detriment or damage to a legal right or claim is also called libel sedation without prejudice information None 4. to summarize & review the evidence of a case is also called ......... sum up trial subpoena decision None 5. To start legal action against someone in a court of law is called sueing subpoena litigation defending None 6. The decision of a court, especially as to the punishment sentence jurying pleading litigation None 7. A person trained in law and who advises or represents others lawyer judge magistrate litigator None 8. A trial at court between two private parties lawsuit trial setlement courtship None 9. A group of people chosen to hear the evidence of a case and give a decision solicitors jury judges magistrate None 10. A public official with authority to hear and decide cases in a court of law lawyer solicitor judge jury None 11. Information presented to a court to prove or support a point in question contract receipt finger print evidence None 12. A formal agreement, usually in writing, between two or more parties contract verdict evidence litigation None 13. Statement of the facts in a trial, especially the argument of one side case contract litigation evidence None 14. A sudden and inevitable occurrence caused by natural forces and not as a result of human activity, such as a flood, earthquake, or a similar catastrophe in facie curie writ du mandais force majeure caveat emptor None 15. An order by a court appointing a person to manage a company that is in financial difficulty, in an attempt to ensure the survival of the company or achieve the best realization of its assets restrictive order administrative order restraining order obligative order None 16. Capable of being or bound to be admitted in a court of law advertent admissible adjourn adjudicate None 17. ........ is the transfer to itself by a superior court of an action pending in a lower cour litigation adjudication advocation magistration None 18. ........ is a period during which a law is suspended to allow offenders to admit their crime without fear of prosecution amnesty dynasty advocay None 19. ......... refers to a formal invalidation, as of a marriage, judicial proceeding, etc resignation annulment advocation adjournment None 20. A slimy substance between the wood and bark of trees cambium humus spoor chrysalis None 21. An inactive or sleeping condition which animal pass through in the dry season or winter is referred to as hibernation nocturnal photosynthesis absorption None 22. Soil made up of decayed animal and vegetable matter is called ......... locum loamy humus clay soil None 23. The process by which plants manufacture their food in their leaves chlorophyll photosynthesis irrigation germination None 24. The process by which plants let out excess water through their leaves perspiration transpiration irrigation germination None 25. The fusion of the pollen grains and the ovules inside the ovary to form seeds fertilisation germination irrigation transpiration None 26. The process by which plants suck up mineral salts in form of solution through their leaves hibernation germination absorption transpiration None 27. ........ is a big thick underground stem florence rhizome humus parterre None 28. The part of the body used by mosquitoes for sucking blood pseudopodia filaments proboscis chlorophyll None 29. The green coloring matter in the leaves of a plant chlorophyll chloroplast ribosome chromosome None 30. The process by which pollen grains are transferred from stamen to the pistil pistilation pollination disection regurgitation None 31. Tiny holes on leaves through which plants take in air stomata orchard tendril slough None 32. The dead skin cast off by a snake slough tendril pistil dibble None 33. A spiral shoot of a plant which winds itself on another object for support stomata tendril dibble slough None 34. The male part of a flower is referred to as .............. filament radicle stamens pistil None 35. The female part of a flower is called a.......... stamen orchard pistil slough None 36. The part of the seed which develops into plant embryo venision orchard stomata None 37. The seed leaves of the embryo is called.......... cotyledon tendrils stomata filament None 38. The first root of a young plant is called ........... embryo plumule radicle pistil None 39. A writ issued by a court of justice requiring a person to appear before the court at a specified time Writ du mandamus Force Majeure Subpoena Affidavit None 40. To put one person or thing in the place of another in respect of a right or claim subpoena subrogate subjugate subdue None 41. Of full age and not under disability; legally competent to manage one's own affairs jury sui juris curie in facie None 42. The right a court has to adjudicate immediately upon some matter arising during its proceedings jurisdiction summary jurisdiction obligation summary obligation None 43. An official order requiring a person to attend court, either to answer a charge or to give evidence writ order summon call None 44. A person who assumes legal responsibility for the fulfillment of another's debt or obligation and himself becomes liable if the other default representative surety partner mentor None 45. A civil wrong arising from an act or failure to act, independently of any contract, for which an action for personal injury or property damages may be brought Libel Tort Assault Battery None 46. Any unlawful act committed with force or violence, actual or implied, which causes injury to another person, his property, or his rights Libel Sedation Trespass Tort None 47. A difference or discrepancy between two steps in a legal proceeding, especially between a statement in a pleading and the evidence given to support it differentiation variance battery slander None 48. A person who does some act or enters into a transaction without being under any legal obligation to do so and without being promised any remuneration for his or her services Amateur Volunteer Intern Apprentice None 49. An express or implied term in a contract, such as an undertaking that goods contracted to be sold shall meet specified requirements as to quality, etc warranty guarantee mandamus None 50. The declaration of a person's wishes regarding the disposal of his or her property after death stock will management shares None 51. A document under seal, issued in the name of the Crown or a court, commanding the person to whom it is addressed to do or refrain from doing some specified act writ order command curie None 52. To refrain from enforcing a claim or applying a law, penalty, etc writ summon order waive None 53. (Of contracts, obligations, etc) made by, affecting, or binding one party only and not involving the other party in reciprocal obligations bilateral ubiquitous unilateral lateral None 54. An evidence given by a witness, esp orally in court under oath or affirmation testament testimony subpoena settlement None 55. A person who brings a civil action in a court of law judge jury plaitiff defendant None 56. A list of persons summoned for jury service panel jury lawyers magistrates None 57. A proposal made by one person that will create a binding contract if accepted unconditionally by the person to whom it is made offer proposal evidence contract None 58. A solemn pronouncement to affirm the truth of a statement or to pledge a person to some course of action, often involving a sacred being or object as witness affirmation swear oath writ None 59. An observation by a judge on some point of law not directly in issue in the case before him or her and thus neither requiring a decision nor serving as a precedent, but nevertheless of persuasive authority contempt in facie curie obiter dictum caveat emptor force majeure1 None 60. A special instrument for making holes in the soil for planting seeds or seedlings plough dibble tendril plumuke None 1 out of 60 Time's upTime is Up!