Welcome to your Registers - Health and Medicine(Study by Topics Junior Class) NAME EMAIL 1. What is an operating theatre? Where operations are analyzed A place where operations are performed A place where operations are dismissed Where operations are dissected None 2. Radiology deals with..... X-ray Bones Body types Human beings None 3. Who is a cardiologist? A person who cares for treatment of heart disesases A person who cares for treatment of ear A person who cares for treatment of body stress A person who cares for treatment of hands and leg disease None 4. A place where accident victims are treated is referred to as ......... Morgue Theatre Mortuary Casualty ward None 5. Who is a pharmacist? A person trained to use drugs A person trained to buy drugs A person trained to prepare and sell medicines A person who sells hard and soft drugs None 6. Physiotherapy has to do with ........... The treatment of injury or diseases of the joints or muscles The treatment of injury of ears, nose and mouth The treatment of injury of foot, hands and legs The treatment of nails, hairs and muscle disease None 7. A vehicle used to transport sick or injured persons to the hospital black maria truck thundra ambulance None 8. Someone who receives medical treatment is called ..... Person Doctor Patient Personel None 9. The treatment of bone related diseases or disorders is referred to as ...... Orthopedic Gynaecology Paediatrics ENT treatment None 10. The study of brain disorders that deals with children during birth is called ? Palliatives Optamology Optics Neurology obstetrics None 11. A room or building where dead bodies are kept until they are taken to be buried or cremated is referred to as ............ Mortuary Ward Clinic Emergency room None 12. Who is a matron? A woman A woman who is a patient in a hospital A woman who is the head of the nursing staff in a hospital A woman who received treatment in a hospital None 13. Treatment of ear, nose and throat disease in women is done by a ........... ENT Optician ENT Gynecology ENT Obstetrician ENT treatmentician None 14. Who is a dentist? A doctor that treats injuries of the mouth A doctor that treats teeth problems A doctor that treats nerve problems A doctor that treats diseases of the spine None 15. Which of this is concerned with skin diseases? Dermalogy Dermatology Derma planning Darmatrics None 16. A person licensed to practice medicine and prescribe drugs Personel Mediciner Doctor Therapist None 17. A medicine which neutralizes or counteracts poison antidote starch vinegar venum None 18. A drug used to cause vomiting panacea antidote emetic paracetamol None 19. A cure for all diseases is called endemic pandemic prognosis panacea None 20. The science of disease of the human body biology pathology zoology socology None 21. A medicine which deadens the body to produce insensibility panadol loratidine anaesthetics paracetamol None 22. ................ refers keeping patients at a separate place to prevent infecting others distribution emission isolation electrocution None 23. A substance that prevents bad smell hydrogen peroxide deodorant penicilin serentine None 24. A disease affecting many people at a place or time COVID 19 Anaemia Epidemic Derma None 25. A disease caused by lack of blood in the body pneumonia ammonia anaemia leukemia None 26. To cut off an infected part of the body cut segregate quarantine amputate None 27. A disease confined to a particular place or district endemic chronic pandemic academic None 28. Freedom or exemption from a disease or infection community immunity dissinty diseasity None 29. Recovering gradually from illness prevalence convalescence fraudulence jurisprudence None 30. Knowing and telling the nature of an illness by its symptoms prognosis diagnosis myosis benign None 31. Fainting or death caused by lack of air suicide drowning asphyxia hallucination None 32. The mark or scar left after a wound has healed antiseptic anopheles circatrice stegomia None 33. The mosquito which transmits malaria anopheles culex tsetse fly diantrex None 34. The mosquito which transmits filaria anopheles culex stegomyia pheles None 35. The mosquito which transmits yellow fever anopheles culex stegomyia crab None 36. The medicine which alleviates pain analgesic panadol septrim viagra None 37. The medicine used during operations to cause unconsciousness chloroplast mitochondrion chloroform chromosome None 38. ............ has to do with or relates to the lungs artery vein pulmonary nasal None 39. A disease affecting widely scattered groups of people endemic pandemic sporatic dermatic None 40. A doctor that treats diseases and disorders relating to the blood is called Hemalogist Oncologist Protagonist Cardiologist None 41. .................... refers to bad or foul smelling asphyxia opiatic halitosis hallucination None 42. Avoiding the spread of an infection by confinement to a place is called quarantine valentine confine injectine None 43. A forecast of the result of a disease or illness is called diagnosis prognosis probosis myosis None 44. A substance used by dentists to deaden the gum or nerve optics cocaine panadol fansidar None 45. A substance that weakens or kills germs lime antiseptic chlorine rendsivir None 46. An instrument used for doctors for listening to the action of the heats and lungs telescope body gauge sthetosocope baroscope None 47. A doctor that specializes in surgery or operations optician surgeon dentist optamologist None 48. To disinfect by smoke fumigate exfoliate propagate irrigate None 49. A place where diseases or illnesses are treated warehouse theatre hospital morgue None 50. A paste or powder used for brushing the teeth dentrice dentice dentrifrice dentifrice None 51. A sick person who receives treatment in the hospital surgeon matron patient personel None 52. A doctor specialized with eye troubles oculist oncologist obstetrician gynaecologist None 53. The study and treatment of tumors is called optology oncology pulmonology pathology None 54. The branch of medicine and surgery concerned with child birth and midwifery optamology oncology obstetrics gynaecology None 55. The study of living organisms optamology oncology biology cardiology None 56. A doctor that treats diseases and abnormalities of the heart oncologist biologist virologist cardiologist None 57. The study of viruses is called oncology virology diseasology microbiology None 58. The study of drugs and medications neurology oncology pharmacology cotology None 59. The study of disorders of the nervous system oncology neurology cardiology biology None 60. A .............. uses medical imagine to diagnose and treat diseases oncologist psychologist physiologist radiologist None 1 out of 60 Time's upTime is Up!