Please, fill out the information below to continue. NAME EMAIL PHONE NUMBER 1. In this question, pick the word that does not belong to the group scrabble monopoly chess football ludo None 2. In this question, you are given a sentence. Read it carefully and decide how true it is(a) if it is true(b) if it is often but not always true(c) if it is never true(d) if it is impossible to say how true it isSome months have more than thirty days c d a b None 3. Each of the following contains five words. Choose the one that describes what the other four words are. cabbage potato vegetable onion carrot None 4. In this question, you are given two pairs of words and then a fifth word followed by a gap. Look carefully at the first two pairs and find out how the two words in each pair are related then choose from the options the one which is related to the fifth word in the same way as the other two pairs:(toil, oil); (brown, own); (growl, .......) awl car owl law raw None 5. In this question, you are given a word. Decide which of the options can be paired with the word in question. If any of the options cannot be paired, choose option E:Birth wreck cannot be paired death bridesmaid brick None 6. In the following words, pick out the word that does not belong to the group: ship lorry car bicycle None 7. In the following, you are given two pairs of words and then a fifth word followed by a gap. Look carefully at the first two pairs and find out the relationship between them. Choose from the options the one which is related to he fifth word in the same way as the words of the first two pairs:(moot, mate); (cook, cake); (book, .......) bale bake buck back None 8. In the following, you are given two pairs of words and then a fifth word followed by a gap. Look carefully at the first two pairs and find out the relationship between them. Choose from the options the one which is related to he fifth word in the same way as the words of the first two pairs:(sail, seal); (mail, meal); (tail, .....) oval tale teal love None 9. Each of the following contains five words. Choose the one that describes what the other four words are. cloth veil scarf wrapper handkerchief None 10. In this question, choose the word that cannot be formed by rearranging some or all of the letters of the word in capital letters. Do not use any letter more often than it appears in the word in capital letter:COCKROACH crack hack crook hook crow None 11. Each of the following contains five words. Choose the one that describes what the other four words are. salmon fish eel cod herring None 12. In this question, you are given a sentence. Read it carefully and decide how true it is(a) if it is true(b) if it is often but not always true(c) if it is never true(d) if it is impossible to say how true it isWater from lakes is salty d b c a None 13. In this question, pick the one out of the options that does not belong to the group frock helmet beret cap hat None 14. In this question, you are given two pairs of words and then a fifth word followed by a gap. Look carefully at the first two pairs and find out how the two words in each pair are related then choose from the options the one which is related to the fifth word in the same way as the other two pairs:(moor, room); (reed, deer); (emit, .....) tame time moat meat mice None 15. In this question, choose the word that cannot be formed by rearranging some or all of the letters of the word in capital letters. Do not use any letter more often than it appears in the word in capital letter:SEPARATION paint reap point tin spirit None 16. In this question, pick the word that does not belong to the group best man spinster bride bridesmaid bridegroom None 17. In this question, choose the word that cannot be formed by rearranging some or all of the letters of the word in capital letters. Do not use any letter more often than it appears in the word in capital letter:BRACELET tale base race reel lace None 18. In the following words, pick out the word that does not belong to the group: hand touch taste smell None 19. In the following, you are given two pairs of words and then a fifth word followed by a gap. Look carefully at the first two pairs and find out the relationship between them. Choose from the options the one which is related to he fifth word in the same way as the words of the first two pairs:(crowd, word); (blade, dale); (brown, .......) worn owns nobs brow None 20. In this question, pick the word that does not belong to the group lobster flea prawn crab oyster None 21. In the following words, pick out the word that does not belong to the group: leopard wolf hyena whale None 22. In this question, you are given a sentence. Read it carefully and decide how true it is(a) if it is true(b) if it is often but not always true(c) if it is never true(d) if it is impossible to say how true it isA straight line is the shortest distance between two points a b d c None 23. In each of the following a word is missing. Choose from the options the one that most suitably fills the space:Cat and kittenFox and ........ lamb cub firece foal None 24. In the following words, pick out the word that does not belong to the group: rod crooked narrow curved None 25. In this question, a word is missing. Choose from the options which one suitable fills the spaceNeedle and ThreadBoat and ........... ship paddle net water fish None 26. In this question, pick the one out of the options that does not belong to the group bowl jug vase mug knife None 27. In this question, you are given a word. Decide which of the options can be paired with the word in question. If any of the options cannot be paired, choose option E:Ship bridesmaid cannot be paired death brick wreck None 28. In this question, you are given a sentence. Read it carefully and decide how true it is(a) if it is true(b) if it is often but not always true(c) if it is never true(d) if it is impossible to say how true it isA teacher is more important than a doctor b d c a None 29. In the following, you are given two pairs of words and then a fifth word followed by a gap. Look carefully at the first two pairs and find out the relationship between them. Choose from the options the one which is related to he fifth word in the same way as the words of the first two pairs:(cloud, loud); (bright, right); (slight, ........) tight sight tighs light None 30. In this question, choose the word that cannot be formed by rearranging some or all of the letters of the word in capital letters. Do not use any letter more often than it appears in the word in capital letter:MOUNTAIN main aunt tone tin noun None 31. In this question, pick the word that does not belong to the group old huge enormous little small None 32. In this question, pick the one out of the options that does not belong to the group guitar piano horn bangle flute None 33. In this question, you are given two pairs of words and then a fifth word followed by a gap. Look carefully at the first two pairs and find out how the two words in each pair are related then choose from the options the one which is related to the fifth word in the same way as the other two pairs:(tens, nets); (save, vase); (done, .....) dune sued node dues nude None 34. In this question, you are given two pairs of words and then a fifth word followed by a gap. Look carefully at the first two pairs and find out how the two words in each pair are related then choose from the options the one which is related to the fifth word in the same way as the other two pairs:(brook, book); (drown, down); (fright, .....) bought right height brought fight None 35. Each of the following contains five words. Choose the one that describes what the other four words are. huge small big size enormous None 36. In this question, you are given a sentence. Read it carefully and decide how true it is(a) if it is true(b) if it is often but not always true(c) if it is never true(d) if it is impossible to say how true it isThe rainbow has only one colour a b c d None 37. In this question, you are given two pairs of words and then a fifth word followed by a gap. Look carefully at the first two pairs and find out how the two words in each pair are related then choose from the options the one which is related to the fifth word in the same way as the other two pairs:(nip, snip); (tick, stick); (lit, ......) slap slack slit slat slip None 38. In this question, choose the word that cannot be formed by rearranging some or all of the letters of the word in capital letters. Do not use any letter more often than it appears in the word in capital letter:RESIDUAL dues leads real dials riders None 39. In this question, you are given a sentence. Read it carefully and decide how true it is(a) if it is true(b) if it is often but not always true(c) if it is never true(d) if it is impossible to say how true it isA thin man is always more intelligent than a fat one b d c a None 40. In this question, you are given two pairs of words and then a fifth word followed by a gap. Look carefully at the first two pairs and find out how the two words in each pair are related then choose from the options the one which is related to the fifth word in the same way as the other two pairs:(print, point); (leaves, loaves); (tens, ......) tough rought trough tons bough None 1 out of 40