Welcome to your Human Respiratory System (STUDY BY TOPICS JUNIOR CLASS) NAME EMAIL PHONE NUMBER 1. Name the process of gaseous exchange in the body. Respiratory system Respiration Lymphatic system Cardiovascular system None 2. The majority of carbon dioxide produced by the body is transported to lungs _______ As carbonates As bicarbonates Dissolved in blood Attached to hemoglobin None 3. Which one of the following mammalian cells are not capable of metabolizing glucose to carbon dioxide aerobically? Unstraited muscle cells WBC Liver cells RBC None 4. The voice box is also called mouth pharynx larynx trachea None 5. Where does the external respiration take place lungs trachea cells nostrils None 6. Nose, larynx, pharynx, lungs, trachea, and bronchi are the parts of the respiratory system. True False None 7. The epithelial tissues present on the inner surface of bronchioles and fallopian tubules are ____ Cuboidal Glandular Ciliated Squamous None 8. What is the function of trachea? Carries air to lungs Releases air out of the body Exchange of gas Filters air we breathe None 9. RQ is _____________ Ratio of CO2 produced to substrate consumed Ratio of oxygen consumed to CO2 produced Ratio of CO2 produced to O2 consumed Ratio of oxygen consumed to water produced None 10. Which of the following Produces maximum ATP? Glycolysis Krebs cycle Fermentation Oxidative Phosphorylation None 11. Which disease is characterized by prolonged cough and pains tuberculosis asthma bronchitis pneumonia None 12. Cramps during exercise are caused due to _______ Alcohol fermentation Lactic acid fermentation Chemiosmosis Glycolysis inhibition None 13. Which of the following does not belong to conducting portion of the respiratory system? Nose Bronchioles Pharynx Alveoli None 14. The trachea leads to the ____ Pulmonary vessels Bronchi Esophagus Bronchioles None 15. The oxygen toxicity is related to ______ Collapsing of the alveolar wall Failure of ventilation of lungs Blood poisoning Improper functioning of alveoli None 16. Which disease is characterized by cough arising from difficulty in breathing tuberculosis pneumonia bronchitis asthma None 17. ______ acts as air conditioners. Lungs Larynx Nasal chambers Pharynx None 18. A person can expel all the air from the lungs. True False None 19. How many oxygen molecules bound to hemoglobin to give 50% saturation? 4 6 7 2 None 20. RQ of fat is ____________ less than one more than one one infinity None 1 out of 20 Time's upTime is Up!