Welcome to your Human Digestive System (STUDY BY TOPICS JUNIOR CLASS) NAME EMAIL PHONE NUMBER 1. The large intestine consists of the following components except transverse colon ascending colon descending colon longitudinal colon None 2. The small intestine is made up of rectum false true None 3. Which is the readily available source of energy in the body? Carbohydrates Protein Vitamins Lipids None 4. Large intestine is part of the digestive system false true None 5. Stores liver’s digestive juice until they are needed by the intestines. Stomach Pancreas Gall bladder Villi None 6. Enzyme rennin is secreted by _____ Liver Stomach Pancreas Kidney None 7. Proteins on reaction with copper sulphate turn dissolves black blue purple None 8. Bronchi is part of the digestive system true false None 9. The small intestine is made up of colon true false None 10. Anus is part of the digestive system false true None 11. Which part of the digestive system does not carry out any digestion pancreas stomach small intestine large intestine None 12. The end product of fats and oil is water amino acids fatty acid and glycerol glucose None 13. Which of the following converts pepsinogen to the active form of pepsin in the stomach? Gastrin Mucus Chef cells HCL None 14. Gullet is part of the digestive system true false None 15. The small intestine is made up of ileum true false None 16. Name the digestive juice that lacks enzyme but helps in digestion Bile juice Ptyalin Pepsin Pancreatic juice None 17. Fats and oil on reaction with alcohol blue dissolves purple black None 18. Digestion is the _______ of food substances into simple soluble form breaking down none of the above building up all of the above None 19. Enzyme Pepsin digests carbohydrate proteins vitamins fats and oil None 20. The end product of carbohydrate is amino acids fatty acids and glycerol glucose water None 1 out of 20 Time's upTime is Up!